Homeworks and Solutions

Its crucial to solve the HW exercises in order to understand the matrial in the class.
You may ask friends and use solutions ONLY after you have tried to solve it by yourself and only for checking your answer.
You may also ask me anytime questions about the HW and I would reply them in class at the beginning of the next lecture.

  • HW1 Properties of entropy and mutual information. [Solution].

  • HW2 Data Compression, Huffman code and AEP. [Solution].

  • HW3 Channel coding. [Solution].

  • HW4 Channel coding and differential entropy. [Solution].

  • HW5 Polar codes.

  • HW6 Machine learning and information mearures


  • Assignment 1 - HW1: questions 1-4, 8 and 22. Due to Tuesday 21st May.

  • Assignment 2 - HW1: questions 9-11. HW2: questions 1-5. Due to Wednesday 5th June.

  • Assignment 3 - HW2: questions 6,7,12, and 17. Due to Sunday 16th June.

  • Assignment 5 - Read lecture 7 on Differential entropy pages 1-7 and answer Q1 and Q2 in HW4. Question Variant of MINE in HW 6. Due to Thursday 4th July.

  • Assignment 6 - HW3: questions 1-5. HW5: question 1 on polar codes. Due to Wednesday 10th July.

  • Assignment 7 - HW3: questions 6 and 8. HW5: question 2. Due to Thursday 18th July.