
Y. Turkulets, N. Shauloff, O. H. Chaulker, R. Jelinek, I. Shalish.
"Physics and chemistry of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) adsorption on gallium nitride (GaN) surface and its interaction with the yellow-luminescence-associated surface state"
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 678, 789 (2025)
Copyright (2025) by Elsevier |
V. Thakur, D. Benafsha, Y. Turkulets, A.R. Azulay, X. Liang, R.S. Goldman, I. Shalish.
"Homologous Self-Assembled Superlattices: What Causes their Periodic Polarity Switching?"
Advanced Physics Research, 3, 2300039 (2024)
Copyright (2023) by Wiley-VCH GmbH |
Y. Turkulets, N. Shauloff, O. H. Chaulker, Y. Shapira, R. Jelinek, I. Shalish.
"The GaN(0001) yellow-luminescence-related surface state and its interaction with air"
Surfaces and Interfaces , 38, 102834 (2023)
Copyright (2023) by Elsevier
N. Shauloff, R. Bisht, Y. Turkuletz, R. Manikandan, A. Morag, A. Lehrer. J. Baraban. I. Shalish. R. Jelinek.
"Multispectral and circular polarization-sensitive carbon dot polydiacetylene capacitive photodetector"
Small, 2206519 (2022)
Copyright (2022) by Wiley-VCH GmbH
L. Dery, N. Shauloff, Y. Turkulets, I. Shalish, R. Jelinek, D. Mandler,
"Size-Selective Detection of Nanoparticles in Solution and Air by Imprinting"
ACS Sensors, 7, 296 (2022)
Copyright (2021) by the American Chemical Society
A. De Adhikari, N. Shauloff, Y. Turkulets, I. Shalish, R. Jelinek,
"Tungsten-disulfide/polyaniline high-frequency supercapacitors"
Advanced Electronic Materials , 2021, 2100025 (2021)
Copyright (2021) by Wiley-VCH GmbH
Y. Turkulets, I. Shalish,
"Surface properties of semiconductors from post-illumination photovoltage transient"
Surfaces and Interfaces , 24, 101052 (2021)
Copyright (2021) by Elsevier B.V.
N. Yehuda, Y. Turkulets, I. Shalish, A. Kushmaro, S. (Mails) Arad,
"Red Microalgal Sulfated Polysaccharide-Cu2O Complex: Characterization and Bioactivity"
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13, 7070 (2021)
Copyright (2021) by the American Chemical Society
A.R. Azulay, Y. Turkulets, D. Del Gaudio, R.S. Goldman, I. Shalish,
"Why do nanowires grow vertically-aligned in the absence of epitaxy?"
Scientific Reports, 10, 6554 (2020)
Copyright (2020) by Springer-Nature |
D. Del Gaudio, C.T. Boone, K. Sallans, E. Mason, A.J. Williamson, S. Yarlagadda, Y. Turkulets, J.T. Heron, I. Shalish, R.S. Goldman,
"Morphological design of complex oxides during pulsed-laser deposition: The role of plasma-plume expansion"
Journal of Applied Physics, 126, 184301 (2019)
Copyright (2019) by the American Institute of Physics |
Y. Turkulets, I. Shalish,
"Surface states in AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors: Quantitative energetic profiles and dynamics of the surface Fermi level"
Applied Physics Letters, 115, 023502 (2019)
Copyright (2019) by the American Institute of Physics |
Y. Turkulets and I. Shalish
"Polar-charge-induced self-assembly: non-isotropic crystal growth mode in polar semiconductors"
Physical Review Materials , 3, 033403 (2019)
Copyright (2019) by the American Physical Society |
Y. Turkulets and I. Shalish
"Mobility and sheet charge in high electron mobility transistor quantum wells from photon-induced transconductance"
IEEE Electron Device Letters , 40, 383 (2019).
Copyright (2019) by IEEE |
I. Shalish
"Effect of parasitic polytypes on ballistic electron transport in chemical vapor deposition grown 6H-SiC epitaxial layers"
Advanced Materials Letters, 10, 465 (2019).
Copyright (2019) VBRI Press |
Y. Turkulets and I. Shalish
"Franz-Keldysh effect in semiconductor built-in fields: Doping concentration and space charge region characterization"
Journal of Applied Physics, 124, 075102 (2018)
Copyright (2018) by the American Institute of Physics |
B. Chervonni, O. Aktushev, E. Ojalvo, Y. Knafo, Y. Turkulets, and I. Shalish
"Fast Estimation of Channel Temperature in GaN High Electron Mobility Transistor under RF Operating Conditions"
Semicond. Sci. Technol. 33, 095024 (2018)
Digital Object Identifier 10.1088/1361-6641/aad539
Copyright (2018) by the IOP |
Y. Turkulets and I. Shalish
"Contactless method to measure 2DEG charge density and band structure in HEMT structures"
Journal of Electron Device Society ,6, 703 (2018)
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JEDS.2018.2841374
Copyright (2018) by the IEEE |
A. Itzhak, E. Teblum, O. Girshevitz, S. Okashy, Y. Turkulets, L. Burlaka, G. Cohen-Taguri, E. Shawat Avraham, M. Noked, I. Shalish, G.D. Nessim.
"Digenite (Cu9S5): layered p-type semiconductor grown by reactive annealing of copper"
Chemistry of Materials , 30, 2379 (2018)
Copyright (2018) by the American Chemical Society |
Y. Turkulets and I. Shalish
"Probing dynamic behavior of electric fields and band diagrams in complex semiconductor heterostructures"
Journal of Applied Physics, 123, 024301 (2017)
Copyright (2017) by the American Institute of Physics |
Y. Turkulets, T. Bick, I. Shalish
"Double surface effect causes a peak in band-edge photocurrent spectra: a quantitative model"
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 49, 365104 (2016)
Copyright (2016) by
Institute of Physics |
R. Gurwitz, I. Shalish,
"Corrigendum: Method for electrical characterization of nanowires (2011 Nanotechnology 22 435705)"
Nanotechnology, 27,
339501 (2016)
Copyright (2016) by
Institute of Physics |
Y. Turkulets, A. Silber, A. Ripp, M. Sokolovsky, I. Shalish,
"CMOS-compatible method for doping of buried vertical polysilicon structures by solid phase diffusion"
Applied Physics Letters, 108, 132101 (2016)
Copyright (2016) by the American Institute of Physics |
R. Gurwitz, R. Cohen, and I. Shalish
"Interaction of light with the ZnO surface: Photon induced oxygen “breathing,” oxygen vacancies, persistent photoconductivity, and persistent photovoltage"
Journal of Applied Physics, 115, 033701 (2014)
Copyright (2014) by the American Institute of Physics |
R. Gurwitz, G. Tuboul, B. Shikler, and I. Shalish
"High-temperature gold metallization for ZnO nanowire device on a SiC substrate"
Journal of Applied Physics, 111, 124307 (2012)
Copyright (2012) by the American Institute of Physics |
R. Gurwitz, A. Tavor, L. Karpeles, I. Shalish, W. Yi, G. Seryogin, V. Narayanamurti,
"Bandgap and Band Discontinuity in Wurtzite/Zincblende GaAs Homomaterial Heterostructure"
Applied Physics Letters, 100, 191602 (2012)
Copyright (2012) by
the American Institute of Physics |
R. Gurwitz, I. Shalish,
"Method for electrical characterization of nanowires"
Nanotechnology, 22,
435705 (2011)
Copyright (2011) by
Institute of Physics |
J. Bao, I. Shalish, Z. Su, R. Gurwitz, F. Capasso, X. Wang, Z. Ren,
"Photoinduced oxygen release and persistent photoconductivity in ZnO nanowires" Nanoscale Research Letters , 6, 404 (2011)
Copyright (2011) by
Springer |
W. Yi, T. Kim, I. Shalish, M. Loncar, M.J. Aziz, V. Narayanamurti
"Room-temperature photoresponse of Schottky photodiodes based on
GaNxAs1−x synthesized by ion implantation and pulsed-laser melting" Applied Physics Letters , 97, 151103 (2010)
Copyright (2010) by
the American Institute of Physics |
J. Yoon, A. M. Girgis, I. Shalish, L. R. Ram-Mohan, V. Narayanamurti
"Size-dependent impurity activation energy in GaN nanowires"Applied Physics Letters , 94,
142102 (2009)
Copyright (2009) by
the American Institute of Physics |
I. Shalish, G. Seyogin, W.Yi, J. Bao, M.A Zimmler, E. Likovich, D.C. Bell, F. Capasso, V.
"Epitaxial catalyst-free growth of InN Nanorods on c-plane sapphire" Nanoscale Research Letters , 4,
519 (2009)
Copyright (2009) by
Springer |
M.A Zimmler, J. Bao, I. Shalish, W. Yi, V.
Narayanamurti, F. Capasso
"A two-colour heterojunction unipolar
nanowire light-emitting diode
by tunnel injection" Nanotechnology, 18,
395201 (2007)
Copyright (2007) by
Institute of Physics |
Cover of Nanotechnology
Volume 18, Number 23, 13 June 2007 |
M.A Zimmler, J. Bao, I. Shalish, W. Yi, J. Yoon,
V. Narayanamurti, F. Capasso,
"Electroluminescence from single nanowires by tunnel injection:
an experimental study"
Nanotechnology, 18,
235205 (2007)
Selected as a "Featured
Reported in "Nanotechnology Journal Highlights"
Copyright (2007) by
Institute of Physics |
G. Seryogin, I. Shalish, W. Moberlychan, V.
"Catalytic hydride vapor phase epitaxy growth of GaN nanowires"
Nanotechnology, 16,
2342 (2005)
Copyright (2005) by
Institute of Physics |
I. Appelbaum, K. J. Russell, I. Shalish, V.
M. P. Hanson and A. C. Gossard
"Ballistic hole emission luminescence"
Applied Physics Letters, 85,
2265 (2004)
Copyright (2004) by The
Institute of Physics
Selected for the
Virtual Journal of
Nanoscale Science & Technology, 10,
(October 11, 2004) |
Ilan Shalish, Henryk Temkin, and Venky
"Size-dependent surface luminescence in ZnO
Physical Review B, 69,
245401 (2004)
Copyright (2004) by The
Physical Society
Selected for the
Virtual Journal of
Nanoscale Science & Technology, 9,
(June 14, 2004) |
I. Appelbaum, R. Sheth, I. Shalish, K.J. Russel,
V. Narayanamurti
"Experimental Test of the Planar Tunneling
Model for Ballistic
Electron Emission Spectroscopy"
Physical Review B, 67,
155307 (2003)
Copyright (2003) by The
Physical Society
Selected for the
Virtual Journal of
Nanoscale Science & Technology, 7,
(Apri 21, 2003) |
Ilan Shalish
"Effect of van Hove singularities on the
Spectra of Semiconductors"
Physical Review B, 66,
165214 (2002)
Copyright (2002) by The
Physical Society |
I. Shalish, I. B. Altfeder and V. Narayanamurti
"Observations of Conduction Band Structure in
4H- and 6H-SiC"
Physical Review B, 65,
073104 (2002)
Copyright (2002) by The
Physical Society |
I. Shalish, C. E. M. de Oliveira, Y. Shapira
J. Salzman,
"Hall Photovoltage Deep Level Spectroscopy of
Physical Review B, 64,
205313 (2001)
Copyright (2001) by The
Physical Society |
J. Yang, I. Shalish and Y. Shapira
"Photoinduced Charge Carriers at Surfaces
and Interfaces of PPV with Au and GaAs"
Physical Review B, 64,
035325 (2001)
Copyright (2001) by The
Physical Society |
I. Shalish, L. Kronik,
G. Segal,
Y. Shapira,
S. Zamir, B. Meyler, J.
"Grain boundary
controlled transport in GaN
Physical Review B, 61,
15573 (2000)
Copyright (2000) by The
Physical Society |
I. Shalish, L. Kronik, G. Segal, Y.
Rosenwaks, Y. Shapira,
U. Tisch, J. Salzman,
"Yellow luminescence and related deep levels
in unitentionally doped GaN films",
Physical Review B, 59,
9748 (1999)
Copyright (1999) by The
Physical Society |
I. Shalish, L. Kronik, G. Segal, Y.
M. Eizenberg, J. Salzman,
"Yellow luminescence and Fermi level
pinning in GaN films",
Applied Physics Letters ,77, 987 (2000)
Copyright (2000) by The
Institute of Physics |
I. Shalish, C. E. M. de Oliveira, L.
Y. Shapira and M. Eizenberg,
"Thermal Stability of Pt Schottky contacts
with4H-SiC ",
Journal of Applied
Physics, 88, 5724 (2000)
Copyright (2000) by The
Institute of Physics |
I. Shalish, Y. Shapira, L. Burstein, and J.
"Surface States and Surface Oxide in GaN
Journal of Applied
Physics, 89, 390 (2001)
Copyright (2000) by The
Institute of Physics |
I. Shalish and Y. Shapira,
"Stability of Schottky contacts with Ta-Si-N amorphous diffusion barriers and Au overlayers on 6H-SiC",
Journal of Vacuum
Science and Technology B. 18, 2477 (2000)
Copyright (2000) by The
Vacuum Society |
I. Shalish and Yoram Shapira,
"Thermal stability of ternary Ti-Si-N
diffusion barrier in contact with a Ti adhesion
for Au metallization",
Journal of Vacuum
Science and Technology B. 17, 166 (1999)
Copyright (1999) by The
Vacuum Society |
I. Shalish and Y. Shapira,
"Thermal Stability of Rhenium Schottky
with 6H-SiC"
IEEE Electron Device
Letters, 21 (12), 581 (2000)
Copyright (2000) by
I. Shalish, S.M. Gasser, E. Kolawa and M.-A.
"Gold metallization for aluminum nitride",
Thin Solid Films, 289 ,166 (1996)
Copyright (1996) by
Elsevier Science |
Conference papers: |
W. J. MoberlyChan, J. Tringe I. Shalish, V.
"Role of Planar Defects in Compound Semiconductor
Crystals: From Growth of Nanomasts & Nanosails to Processing Light
Emission in DualBeam FIB/SEM"
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 13, S2 , 722 (2007)
Copyright (2007) by Cambridge university Press
W. J. MoberlyChan, G. Seryogin, I. Shalish, C-Y.
Wen, S-F. Hu, X-J. Guo, V.
Narayanamurti, F. Spaepen
"Imaging Defects in Nanometer-scale Semiconductor
Statistical Nucleation Events are Few in Small Crystals, but can
Control Growth"
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 11, S2 , 1622 (2005)
Copyright (2007) by Cambridge university Press
I. Shalish, S.M. Gasser, E. Kolawa and M.-A.
"Stability of Schottky contacts with
amorphous diffusion barriers and Au
overlayers on 6H-SiC",
Transactions of the Third
High Temperature Electronics
Conference, Albuquerque,
New Mexico, June 1996 |
S.M. Gasser, I. Shalish, E. Kolawa and M.-A.
"Differences between solid-state reaction of
thin film deposited on C-and Si-face of
6H-SiC ",
Transactions of the Third
High Temperature Electronics
Conference, Albuquerque,
New Mexico, June 1996 |
Patent: |
I. Shalish, Y. Shapira, M. Eizenberg
"A New Technology for Thermodynamically Stable
Contacts for Binary Wide Band-gap Semiconductors"
(A silicide-like metallization for binary
wide-bandgap semiconductors)
United States Patent #
6410460 |